Mini-Entrepreneurship and Crafts

Many internet people have heard of Etsy correct? If you haven’t where have you been, seriously?

Young people that are just striking out on their own have so many tools today to become micro-entrepreneurs. With just some time, effort, and an internet connection you can make some cash and get your feet wet in the world of online sales.

I first started in high school. I had a friend that was addicted to bidding on Ebay, specifically on car parts, that didn’t really interest me. However, I saw that I had a lot of old books, clothes, and trinkets lying around my room. I got in the habit of reading many Minimalist blogs such as Zen Habits and The Minimalists, I thought to myself what do I need all of these things for? Someone might have a better use for them than how I let them collect dust.

I cleaned out my room and took pictures and posted them up on a very simple and free Ebay account. No bells or whistles, but in a month I did manage to make $100. Yes, I know that doesn’t seem like a lot for a month’s work, but for high school – that seemed like a lot of money to me.

Etsy came on the scene and it was like Ebay, only so much better. You could sell handmade crafts, zines, and clothes, as well as “vintage” things! I’m still running a little Etsy shop where I sell my zines. There’s something special about getting something in the mail. Yes there’s the other world of online affiliate marketing, ebooks, and information sales. But for young people that are just jumping in to make a few extra dollars, it’s a wonderful opportunity.

Hope you’re living a BellaVie!
